Will AI trump over real-life humans in League of Legends as well?
It’s not unusual for League of Legends players to entirely neglect co-op vs Ai game modes. These game modes have been considered noobs-only modes since they went live in 2011. However, it seems that our Ai buddies are finally getting a long-overdue rework!
As of now, the bots in League Of Legends matches do nothing special in-game. They will spawn and mindlessly run down the lanes to be killed by the enemy. However, an update will be arriving, which will flip the tables for our bot buddies.
The update will allow bots to play like regular human beings, the way League of Legends was intended to be played! They will farm, buy decisive items, jungle, and even slay dragons. It won’t be long before an Ai Lee Sin ganks you in the midline, roundhousing you into his turret!
The blog post by the developer team speaks on how the bots will be programmed through an AI to work cohesively with each other. They are even made to adapt to match the Meta! This is something even regular human players struggle to do! *Looking at you low elo!*
The update for the bots will drop later this year, and we can expect a beta release in the latter half of 2023. The bots will be scalable and programmable, allowing devs to tweak them as required to match the player base! Is the term “bot” soon to be a null team for bad gamers?